Your journey begins here...

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MM slash DD slash YYYY
Is your business permanent, contract, contingent or retained search?
What is the total headcount of the business? How many fee earning consultants do you have and how many support staff do you employ?
Earning Consultants
Support Staff

At A Glance

James Caan CBE is one of the most prolific entrepreneurs and investors in the UK recruitment sector.

James has been in recruitment for over 30 years and invests in recruitment companies of all sizes across various geographies and sectors. Alexander Mann, his first recruitment business, has gone on to become the most respected talent solutions brand in the world. His second recruitment venture, Humana International, grew to 140 offices across 30 countries.

£18.4 Million invested into existing recruitment business

£126 Million in revenue generated by the portfolio in 2020

£3.8 Million invested into launching new recruitment businesses

3,000 placements made in 55 countries in 2020

258 consultants across the portfolio

23 different recruitment businesses under his mentorship

Considering selling your Recruitment Business

Are you the owner of an existing recruitment business and looking to sell? Does your business fit the
below criteria?

  • Has been established for over 5 years
  • Known as a specialist in the market
  • Has an established team of consultants
  • Solid customer base with a proven customer retention strategy
  • Known for excellence in its industry
  • Has a good blend of both contract and permanent placements
  • Maintaining a healthy margin

If your business fits the description above and you are looking to realise value from your business, I would like to have an exploratory conversation with you.

We are now seeing the markets start to turn and light at the end of the tunnel as the economy begins to recover from the pandemic. We are opening our next investment fund to existing recruitment leaders looking to realise value from their businesses.

If you would like to explore the above opportunity, please apply using the form on this page.